Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What would Bob LaBla do?

I would say that the more I know the less I know, but that has been said -- which simply puts punctuation on a problem that everyone will have at one point or another.
I am a gay Mormon man married to a normal Mormon woman. Of course I divulged everything to her before we were married. She was in the know as were my ecclesiastical leaders. There is no need to tell me about being truthful or listening to the "real me".  I know who the real me is.  The real me is the one who listens to the promptings of the spirit.

The advice I give people (imagine, people coming to me for advice – but they do) is to listen to the spirit. I stand by that advice. There is a catch, however and people don’t understand that.
Here is a hypothetical to steer in the right direction – purely hypothetical.  Bob goes to the Lord in prayer to ask if he should move to another city. Bob gets an overwhelming feeling that, yes, he should.  The next month his bid for the only house in the new city falls through.  Does that mean that his prayer was not really answered?
Heck no – if I may be so bold.  
  • He can still move. There are thousands of cities around. 
  • Or, perhaps Heavenly father wanted him to clean his life up – literally -- which could only be done by Bobs getting ready to move. 
  • Perhaps Bob, in the process of trying to move, met someone that changed his life, or someone met him, which changed their life. 
  • Perhaps a family had prayed for a house to move into, and Bobs place was a perfect fit for them. So the Lord provided something better for Bob but wants Bob to be proactive.
There are hundreds of scenarios.  Bottom line is that Bob received confirmation that his moving was a good thing. Bob went and did.
Another hypothetical; Marne receives confirmation that her path, her ideas, her preparations for girls camp are spot on.  She creates a perfect girls camp scenario with help from all the leaders who also feel they are being led by the spirit.  Halfway through camp it starts to rain and does not let up. Was Marne wrong?  Was the Lord wrong?  Were all the leaders somehow mistaken or mislead?
Again, no.   
  • Perhaps the group ran upon a key concept of principal that they wouldn’t have found with out perusing that big idea.  
  • Perhaps it was the preparation that was needed, not necessarily the follow through, 
  • Perhaps there was a concept or a principal that was learned while everyone was focused on working together toward a common goal.  
  • Perhaps there was something for the girls to learn by seeing the adults make lemonade.
There are so many scenarios that make perfect since once one takes the ego out of the equation.  What does Heavenly father want for me?  Is it better than what I think I need?

What does this have to do with me marrying my wife?  Give me two hours to write the next part down.

Here it is:  http://gaymormonman.blogspot.com/2015/06/what-is-right-answer-to-moho-prayer.html

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